Top 5 Reasons to Call your Insurance Agent
Here are the top 5 reasons to call your health insurance agent:
You got married (or divorced)
You moved
You got a raise (or your income changed)
Your credit card was stolen
You had a baby
We need to know these things! Any of these life changes could effect your insurance, so give us a call or send a text to let us know what's going on. We'll make sure everything is taken care of for you.
Are you sometimes not sure if you should call your agent?
Give us a call anyway! We're here to help, even if it's just to answer a quick question. Remember, our help is always free, so neither a quick question or a longer discussion will cost you.
You don't always have to speak directly with your agent either: try asking our front office staff first! There are lots of things they can help with, and you'll get an immediate response!
How our Office Staff can help:
Currently all the members of our front office staff are licensed in Health, Life, and Accident & Sickness insurance (which includes testing in Medicare plans, and dental, vision, and hearing insurance). That means they can help you out if your agent is not available right away!
Our office staff can help you:
with quick questions about your plan
review minor benefit details, like copay or coinsurance information
change or update information (address, email, phone number, name change, etc.)
update payment or billing information, confirm autopay status
get plan ID cards or policy numbers
add dependents (including new babies!) to your plan
get tax forms, like 1095-As
find providers in your plan network
submit claims and follow through the claim process
complete plan eligibility requirements by submitting required documents (social security cards, passports, etc.)
update immigration status in plans with visas, social security card, ITIN, etc.
The front office staff is also available to schedule an appointment with your agent if there is something they are unable to help with.
All of the office staff assistance can also be completed by our bilingual receptionist in Spanish.
How your Agent can help:
Your agent can complete all the tasks that the office staff is able to help you with, but usually spends their time getting to the more in-depth questions with you.
Beyond the office staff help, your agent can help you:
with detailed questions about your plan
review benefit details
get accurate quotes for new plans or plan changes
learn about plan options for aging into Medicare
learn about plan options for aging off a parent's plan (at 26)
enroll in new plans
update plans based on income changes
update plans based on household changes (weddings, divorces, deaths, new dependents, etc.)
correct billing mistakes with providers and insurance companies
discuss options for medical conditions
Let us know if you have any questions. We're here to help!
Call or text your local agent at 801-609-8699, or schedule an appointment through the link below.
About Utah Avenue Insurance
Utah Avenue Insurance is your local health insurance experts. Our agents are here to help you with all your health insurance questions. Utah Avenue can help you with marketplace (aka Obamacare) plans, private health insurance and Medicare. If you have questions about how your medical insurance plans work or need help enrolling in a plan, we can help you. As always, our service is free to you.
801-609-8699 Call/Text
Give Utah Avenue a call or make an appointment with Utah Avenue Insurance and we'll be happy to help!